Children's Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W.) is an opportunity for our young parishioners to hear the word of God proclaimed on their level while participating in engaging activities, music ministry, and learning the parts of the Mass. Children that participate in C.L.O.W. will process out of Mass to the Family Life Center (either the main hall or the Angelina room) before the First Reading and return back to Mass following the Prayers of the Faithful.
C.L.O.W. will resume for Fall 2019 on September 8.
Mass Time
Weekly during the 9:30am Sunday Mass
First Sunday of the month during the 11:00am Sunday Mass
Family Life Center, either in Wleczyk Hall or in the Angelina Room
Minimum: age 3 years old
Maximum: age 8 years old
James Carrasco
Sally Dodge
Phone: (979) 297-3043
We use Celebrate! Liturgy of the Word for Children by Kay Vanatta to aide in leading C.L.O.W. on a weekly basis. Within the Leader's Guide is a lesson plan detailing each Sunday's C.L.O.W. lesson along with background scripture information for the Leader. The readings for C.L.O.W. come from the Lectionary for Masses with Children (1992 United States Catholic Conference, Inc.) which have been appropriately written for a children audience. All supplies and materials are provided to the C.L.O.W. weekly leader and co-leader a week in advance for them to prepare for their lesson. Teen volunteers assist the leader and co-leader of C.L.O.W. by helping children participate and setting a good example for the children to follow. At the end of C.L.O.W., children return to their parents with a parent letter that describes the lesson for the day.
Want to help? Have some questions or suggestions? Please see contact information above in the Key Information section.
The items below provide links to all of the documents needed to prepare for and execute the Sunday C.L.O.W. session.
C.L.O.W. Teen Volunteers - Laminated Cards
C.L.O.W. Children's Lectionary Readings
C.L.O.W. Lesson Plans Sep. thru Nov. 2018