The Christian Initiation process is the traditional way for adults to enter the Catholic Church. It prepares candidates for Baptism (if needed), First Communion and Confirmation. Adult Catholics who need only Confirmation can attend 10 of the sessions (see our Adult Confirmation Program).
This process is for all adults who may be interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith, including those who are:
The OCIA process normally begins with a discussion between you and a team member so that we can understand where you are on your journey, answer any questions, and make you feel welcome and comfortable. Inquirers are welcome at any time.
We have a semester-based program. We repeat the same content each fall and spring so that you can join us at any time. If the semester is already underway, you can either make up the content or roll over to the following year, and usually that is determined by the timing and your situation. The sacraments are then normally received at Easter, but if your situation is unique then we can discuss the timing of reception of sacraments.
We echo the teachings of the Catholic Church and try to patiently answer any questions or objections. We believe that whether you become Catholic is between you and God, so there is never any pressure to become Catholic, and if you wish to attend only to learn that is fine.
We invite parishioners to be open to serving as sponsors for our candidates and catechumens. We also welcome practicing Catholic adults who might be interested in becoming core team members.
Aaron Ware
Phone: (979) 292-4841
OCIA meets in the F-Wing (middle door of the building facing Oak Dr)