He is not Here !
Feast: Holy Saturday - Vigil of Easter
Day / Date: Saturday, March 30, 2024
Time: 8:30 p.m.
We begin this mighty vigil in darkness, and the new Paschal candle is lit, signifying that Christ is the Light in the darkness. The light of this candle reflects the risen Christ dispelling the darkness. The Easter Exsultet is sung, proclaiming that “this is the night” that Jesus passed from death to life, redeeming humankind.
The vigil readings tell of the story of our redemption. They begin with the story of creation, through the Exodus of Israel from Egypt, and ending with the resurrection of Our Lord.
Following the Liturgy of the Word, the rites of initiation occur, whereby both adults and youth are baptized, confirmed, and later receive First Eucharist. The assembly also joins in the renewal of our baptismal vows. Mass continues afterwards, with the preparation of the gifts and the Eucharistic Prayer. Afterwards, we have the Communion Rite followed by the end of Mass. Alleluias are sung for the first time since prior to Ash Wednesday.
The Order of Worship is listed here:
In the Gospel reading during the Easter Vigil, the story of the women, early on the morning of the day after the Sabbath, setting out to visit Jesus’ tomb to anoint his body with spices. They needed to finish the work they did not have time to do when Jesus was buried. They thought that their biggest challenge would involve rolling away the large stone blocking the entrance to the tomb. They were not prepared for what they were told when they discovered Jesus’ body was gone. Jesus had been raised from the dead and had gone before them to Galilee.
They were instructed to “go and tell the disciples” to go to Galilee, where they would see Jesus. Their lives and, indeed, the history of the whole world, was changed forever. Now their new mission was to to announce the Good News of resurrection. They went from preparing to anoint a dead body to proclaiming their Lord having risen back to life.
Like the women at Jesus’ tomb, new Catholics and all of us are called to leave the past behind and rise again with Christ in new life. Around the world, tonight many new Catholics will be baptized, confirmed and receive Eucharist. For them and for all of us, this is a Passover from the old to the new. We renew all of our baptismal promises and are sprinkled with baptismal water. The paschal mystery is our new way of life: Alleluia !