To Parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel,
St. Michael's is very fortunate to have so many generous parishioners that enjoy sharing their treasure. However, in order to create a cohesive environment conducive to fostering fellowship, prayer, and worship for all, non-monetary donations to the Family Life Center, Church, Divine Presence Adoration Chapel, and landscape will not be accepted unless they are specifically requested. Some examples of non-monetary donations include pamphlets, candles, small statues, and prayer cards.
No flowers or live plants are allowed in the Family Life Center, Church or Divine Presence Adoration Chapel, unless requested and authorized by Parish Administrator (Aaron Ware) or the Art & Environment ministry.
Family Life Center bulletin board
You must get permission to place signs on the bulletin board from the Parish Administrator (Aaron Ware). If the material has an expiration date, please remove it within one week of the expiration date. Aaron’s direct number is 979-299-3503. His email address is
Family Life Center hallway
You must get permission from the Parish Administrator (Aaron Ware), before putting up tables, signs, or other free-standing advertisements for the weekend Masses.
The tables, signs and other free-standing advertisements must be removed after the last Sunday Mass, as these are not allowed to be up during the week.
Before placing any religious material in the narthex or church, you must get permission from the Liturgical Coordinator (Deacon Jeff Cadenhead). If the material has an expiration date, please remove it within one week of the expiration date. Deacon Jeff can be reached by calling the church office at 979-297-3041. His email address is
Divine Presence Adoration Chapel
Before placing any religious material in the Divine Presence Adoration Chapel, you must get permission from the Liturgical Coordinator (Deacon Jeff Cadenhead). If the material has an expiration date, please remove it within one week of the expiration date.
Information Cart
You must get permission from the Parish Administrator (Aaron Ware) before placing any material in the cart or on the cart. Otherwise, it will be removed and thrown away. If the material has an expiration date, please remove it within one week of the expiration date.
The Pastoral Council is appreciative of the time, talent, and treasure generously given by the parishioners of St. Michael’s. Together we can share the Gospel message of Jesus Christ while maintaining the beauty of our campus.
Regards and God Bless,
St. Michael the Archangel Pastoral Council