Provides an opportunity for our faithful to spend time with the Lord in the Eucharist.
Adult Confirmation
Formation program for Adult Catholics who want to be Confirmed.
Adult Faith Formation
Provides for formation opportunities for adult parishioners, to foster Catholic education and faith development.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist at the altar for all weekend Masses and other liturgical celebrations of our parish.
Altar Society
The Altar Society members serve our worship by setting up the altar and associated vessels and items for weekend Masses and other key liturgical celebrations.
Annulment Support
Provides trained Case Sponsors to assist those who need to pursue getting an marriage annulment.
Art and Environment
Enhances the worship of our church on Sundays and other feasts through the use of fabric, symbols, plants, flowers, and other decor.
Baptism Preparation
Provides formation for parents and god-parents of children who will be baptized in the Catholic Church
Bible Study Groups
Small faith-sharing groups who do scripture study
Boy Scouts
The Boy Scout troop sponsored by St. Michael's providing Catholic Christian leadership to the boys who participate in Boy Scouting
Bridges of Hope and Compassion
Provides support via personal contact to parishioners who have experienced a death in the family
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Our local court (chapter) of the largest Catholic women's organization in the world, providing service to our parish
Children's Faith Formation (was C.C.E.)
Volunteer teachers (catechists) and support staff who provide instruction and faith formation to our children from Kindergarten through 6th grade.
Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Provides faith sharing and formation to adults who wish to learn more about the Catholic faith or to prepare to join the Catholic Church
Christian Initiation for Children (OCIA)
Provides catechesis to children and teens who are preparing to join the Catholic Church
Confirmation Preparation
Adult team who mentors, shares faith, and provides instruction to our youth preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
Consolation, Ministry of
The Ministry of Consolation is a bereavement group that seeks to provide support to help you cope with your grief and pain after the death of a loved one and to support you as you learn to go on with your life.
Correctional Ministries
Ministers to the inmates of the Clemens and Ramsey penitentiary units and the Brazoria County youth detention center
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Lay persons who are trained to assist the clergy and instituted acolytes in the distribution of the Eucharist at Masses
Finance Committee
Pastoral committee who advises the pastor on financial decisions for the parish
First Eucharist Preparation
Volunteer teachers (catechists) and support staff who provide sacramental preparation to our 1st and 2nd graders as they prepare to first receive the Sacrament of Eucharist
First Reconciliation Preparation
Volunteer teachers (catechists) and support staff who provide sacramental preparation to our 1st and 2nd graders as they prepare to first receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Funeral Meals
Group who ministers to family and friends of loved ones on the day of their funeral by providing a meal, giving the opportunity of fellowship to the bereaved
Extends the hospitality of the faith community to all who attend Mass by welcoming and assisting during Mass.
Hispanic Ministry
Provides ministry to our parish's Hispanic community in the form of fellowship and service
Knights of Columbus
The local chapter of a world-wide Catholic men's fraternal organization supporting church and community through funding and labor support
Prison Ministry
Proclaim the Old Testament and New Testament scripture readings at Masses and other worship celebrations
Offers books, magazines, videos, audiotapes, children's corner and more
Marriage Preparation
Offers a Sponsor Couple and Liturgy Planning process for engaged couples to prepare them to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony
Provides musical leadership for the participation of the assemblies at Masses and other liturgical celebrations
Pastoral Council
Counsels and consults with the pastor to assist him in making pastoral decisions for the parish
Prayer Warriors
A group of parishioners who practice their belief in the power of prayer by praying for those who need our spiritual support
Respect Life
Leads activities to promote the Pro-Life perspective in support of Catholic teaching
Provides for communal recitation of the rosary in the church on Monday nights (7pm) and before weekday Masses
Safe Environment Program
Provides formation for all who minister at the parish to recognize and prevent child abuse.
Seasons (Ministry to Widows)
Provides fellowship and support to the widows of St. Michael's
Senior Friends
Provides recreational and fellowship opportunities to parishioners over age 60
Sick and Homebound Ministry
Provides pastoral care to the sick in their homes, in nursing homes and in the hospital.
Spiritual Direction
A process in which a trained spiritual director meets with individuals to help them prayerfully discern God's presence in their spiritual journey
St. Vincent de Paul
Offers spiritual and short-term financial assistance to area residents in need
Vacation Bible School
A week-long program during the summer for children who have completed PK-3 and who have yet entered 6th grade to learn more about their faith
Vocations Chalice
Involves families in praying for vocations by providing for a "traveling" chalice facilitating family prayers for vocations.
Welcome Ministry
Helps to welcome new parishioners into our parish and assists those new to the parish to feel welcome.
Widows, Ministry to
( See Seasons above )
Women of St. Michael's
An organization of all women in our parish, it provides fellowship and spiritual events for women, as well as funding for important parish support needs.
Young Adult Ministry
Ministers to young adults, ages 18-35.
Youth Ministry
Ministers to our junior high and high school youth in grades 9 through 12