This section of our website provides representative questions and answers to seeker or prospective Catholic, returning Catholics, those needing first sacraments, those planning to be married, the care of the sick or dying, those moving into our area, and those who might need special assistance.
If you have questions related to one of the topics listed below, by clicking on that topic you will be taken to a web page which contains a number of subsidiary topics related to the listed topic. The page you arrive at can provide helpful information.
I'm interested in becoming Catholic
I used to be Catholic and am considering returning to the Church
I am Catholic but not regular in my Mass attendance and/or I'm not involved
A friend or family member is seriously ill
A friend or family member is dying
A friend or family member has died
A friend or family member is home-bound, admitted to the hospital or nursing home
Our child needs First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Our teenager needs to receive Confirmation
I’m an adult and was baptized Catholic but I never received Eucharist or Confirmation
I’m an adult, received Baptism and Eucharist but never received Confirmation
I'm a Catholic and am planning to get married
We were married outside of the church and want a sacramental marriage
I or my fiancé have had a prior marriage and we are engaged to be married
We're considering a move to Lake Jackson
We recently moved to Lake Jackson
We are new to the parish and have children who are coming of age for faith formation
I’m new to the parish and want to get involved / I want to join a Ministry
I'm struggling financially and need assistance
I've recently lost a spouse or close relative and need help dealing with grief