"St. Michael's Presents" is a monthly series of events sponsored by our Adult Faith Formation ministry, featuring nationally known speakers from different professions who wish to share their faith journeys with us. Pot-luck dinners will precede each speaker, and we invite you to bring a side dish to share with fellow parishioners as we gather for food and fellowhip. Sign up via the online form below or contact John Kyle, johnckyle1@gmail.com .
In order to provide the main meet dish for attendees, we need to know about how many people plan to attend. This can be accomplished by signing up after weekend Masses, contacting John Kyle at johnckyle1@gmail.com, or submitting the sign-up form below. We need to receive sign-ups by Thursday prior to the event date. One person may sign up for him/herself or for a family or group. Simply state the number of people this sign-up is covering.